What should we know about the COVID pandemic? Where can we find accurate information? How can we share that information with others in a respectful way?
Come join us at Cypress and Grove Brewery (1001 NW 4th Street) on Nov. 30 to discuss these and other questions raised by misinformation regarding the COVID pandemic. This event is free and open to members of the UF and Gainesville communities.
Margaret Ansell will make a short presentation to set the stage for our conversation. Margaret is the Nursing & Consumer Health Liaison Librarian at the University of Florida Health Science Center Libraries, providing instruction and research collaboration and support to students, staff, and faculty with an interest in nursing, consumer health, patient education, or health communication topics. She also works with local community organizations to provide consumer health information services to the general public. She is a senior member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals, and has attained the Consumer Health Information Specialization Level II credentials.

Registration is encouraged but not required. To register, please use the QR code on the flyer attached here and also on our home page.